残された道 The Only Path
セテス: あれは……あれは、いったい何だったというのだ……。
Seteth: Whatever could that have been...
It was almost reminiscent of that terror of legend...
Choice 1: 伝承? What legend?
セテス: 今は撤退しよう。
Seteth: We haven't the time for stories...
Choice 2: 逃げよう We need to get out of here.
セテス: ああ、今は撤退しよう。
Seteth: Agreed. We must retreat for now.
セテス: ミルディン大橋まで退き、態勢を立て直すしかあるまい……。
Seteth: All we can do is retreat to the Great Bridge of Myrddin and assess our situation.
(ミルディン大橋 昼)
Great Bridge of Myrddin | Daytime
マヌエラ: ハァッ……ハァ……!きつい行軍だったわ。
Manuela: Well now, that marching was nearly as trying as the battle itself.
ハンネマン: 日数を要してしまったが、ここまで戻れば安全だ……と信じたいね。
Hanneman: We wasted a few days, but now that we're this far back, we should be safe... Or so I believe.
カトリーヌ: それにしても、驚いたな。要塞を丸ごと破壊しちまうとは……。
Catherine: I still can't believe it. The fort was destroyed, just like that...
シャミア: あの攻撃……死神騎士は知っていた。帝国軍の仕業か?
Shamir: The Death Knight knew about the attack. Was it the Empire's doing?
ツィリル: 要塞を取られるくらいなら、壊しちゃえってことなんでしょうか。
Cyril: Guess that means they'd rather destroy the fort than lose it.
アロイス: まあまあ、とりあえず一息ついて、どうするか決めようじゃないか。
Alois: Whatever the case, we need to get our bearings and decide what we're going to do next.
セテス: ……不明なことは多いが、次にどう動くべきか即断せねばならない。
Seteth: We all have many questions, but for now, we must focus on our next move.
Choice 1: 侵攻を諦めよう Let's give up.
セテス: Byleth!?……いや待て。そういうことか。
Seteth: What?! How could... Ah. Yes, I see.
Choice 2: 一気に帝都を攻めよう Let's attack the Imperial capital.
セテス: もちろんそうしたいが、無策で攻め上っても良い結果は……
Seteth: I wish for that as well, but we are sure to fall if we charge in without a plan.
Hmm... But by the look on your face, I have the feeling you are working out a plan even now.
Choice 3: 修道院に戻ろう Let's return to the monastery.
セテス: 修道院に戻ったところで状況は……いや待て。そういうことか。
Seteth: What?! If we return to the monastery, then our situation is sure to... Ah. Yes, I see...
Choice 1: そういうことだ Now you've got it.
Choice 2: 何のことだか Whatever do you mean?
セテス: もう誤魔化す必要はない。
Seteth: No need to hide your intentions from me.
セテス: いったんは侵攻を諦めてガルグ=マクに戻ったと見せかけるのだな。
Seteth: So, we make it appear as though we have ceased our invasion by returning to Garreg Mach.
Then we divide up our soldiers and infiltrate nearby areas of the capital right under the Empire's nose.
Finally, we gather all of the soldiers somewhere we can get to swiftly from Garreg Mach and proceed to invade Enbarr.
Is that what you are thinking?
カスパル: 本気かよ!?敵に気づかれねえ保証はあんのか!?
Caspar: Are you serious? You know there's no guarantee that we won't be spotted by the enemy, right?
フェルディナント: 結集に失敗すれば、我々は帝国領内で孤立、あっという間に殲滅される……そうだな?
Ferdinand: If we fail to intervene, we will be isolated inside the Empire and be...utterly obliterated.
ペトラ: どのような、死地でも……わたし、飛び込みます。共に。
Petra: I will be embracing the nearness of death if I am needing to. With each other!
ベルナデッタ: いや、でも、ちょっと、あの……危険が危険すぎませんか、先生ええ!
Bernadetta: That sounds dangerous...really, incredibly dangerous!
セテス: ああ……この作戦は、失敗した時に取り返しがつかない。
Seteth: Make no mistake...if we fail in this plan, there will be no coming back from it.
Are you sure about this, Professor?
Byleth: 選択肢はない It's our only hope.
セテス: そうか……ならば私も覚悟を決めよう。
Seteth: I see. If you are resolved, then I will follow suit.
We may be weaker and the terrain may be against us, but all we can do is use our resources the best we can.
That, and pray for the blessings of the goddess.